Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dr. David Benke, Teacher of the Year

It could have been another Columbine.

A gunman began shooting students leaving Deer Creek Middle School in Littleton, Colorado yesterday afternoon. The school is situated only a few miles away from Columbine High School.

Dr. David Benke, a math teacher, saw the gunman and acted. Without regard to his own life he tackled the gunman and subdued until authorities arrived.

Bruco Eastwood was arrested and has been charged with two counts of attempted first degree murder. Eastwood, who has had a long history of arrests, shot two students one of whom was released from hospital while the other remains in critical condition.

As for Benke, he wishes he could have done more. The expression on his face says it all.

I'm sure the students of Dear Creek Middle School and their families believe their Benke did everything that could have been done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Definitely teacher of the year, if not hero of the year. But he remains incredibly modest: