Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama Snubs U.S.Troops in Germany

At the last minute, Barack Obama cancelled a visit with U.S. troops stationed at Ramstein Airbase as well visiting wounded troops at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

The reason? That it would be "inappropriate" to visit the troops in the context of a political campaign. When Obama visited troops in Iraq it was as part of a congressional delegation.

But Obama could have got around that and he knows it. I am sure there are troops at Ramstein and Landstuhl who are from Illinois. Couldn't he have visited them in his capacity as the junior Senator from Illinois? Evidently not. But then again why visit the troops when you can be fawned by 200,000 adoring Germans?

McCain rightly chastised Obama when he said "it is never inappropriate to visit our men and women in the military."

So now the Obama campaign is saying the Pentagon told them not to visit the troops.


Barack Obama sure has a lot of audacity.

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