Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Still Don't Believe Lewis & Carson

On Sunday, I expressed skepticism that Congressmen John Lewis and Andre Carson were the subject of racial epithets when they walked to the Capitol for a procedural vote.

However, I also indicated if I were "presented with irrefutable, unimpeachable evidence that corraborates Lewis and Carson were subjected to racial epithets then I will condemn those acts with the vigor they deserve."

Today, I was anonymously sent a link to this video. It was the same video supplied by Dana Loesch. The person who sent the link drew my attention to the 11 second mark of the video. I have played this video a dozen times and it is still not clear to me what was uttered at that point in the video.

So once again until I receive "irrefutable, unimpeachable evidence" I stand by my skepticism of Lewis and Carson.

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